Harry s Cedricem se ocitli na nějakém hřbitově. Nezůstanou tam ale sami! Tedy Harry, jelikož Cedric je zbytečný a zbytečného přece zabij! Objeví se tam nějaký kotel, chlap, který je stejný idiot, jako Snape, a brzy i sám ZNOVUZROZENÝ VOLDEMORT!
Ovšem překvapením není konec.
Kdo mohl tušit, že Voldemort ze všeho nejvíc touží, samozřejmě krom ovládnutí světa, znovu si od srdce zastepovat?
Otitulkovaná verze: http://www.videacesky.cz/serialy-online-zdarma/a-very-potter-musical-1x13-hrbitov
Písnička, na kterou si můžete s Voldym i zatrsat:
When I was a boy
An orphan boy
I'd love to move my feet
I'd hear a tune and start to swoon
My life would seem complete
The other boys would laugh and jeer
But I'd catch 'em tappin their toes
Cause when I'd start to sway, they'd get carried away.
And oh, how the feeling grows
I'd take my foot
My little foot
And with that foot
Oh, how I'd start to shake
I'd take two feet
Two tiny feat
Hey look! That's neat!
it's coming true
I finally get to dance again! Wahoo!
To dance again
I've been waiting all these years
To dance again
Now, at once, a chance appears
to hear that beat, so on your feet
It's time to dance again!
(spoken) C'mon potter! Imperio!
You take your foot
Your little foot
Hey look! Your foot!
See how it starts to shake
Ooh try his arms!
How 'bout a twirl!
Hes like a girl!
How overdue!
I finally get to dance again with you!
To dance again!
I've (you've) been waiting all these years
To dance again
Now at once a chance appears
It's lovely swaying, and the music's playing
So come on! Let's dance again!
VOLDEMORT: Everybody!
I take my foot!
(VOLDEMORT: You take your foot)
My little foot!
(VOLDEMORT: Take that little foot!)
And oh my foot!
(VOLDEMORT: Lemme hear it now!)
Look how it start's to shake
OH, Voldys back
(VOLDEMORT: Hello world!)
For the attack
(VOLDEMORT: Im gonna getcha!)
He'll take over the world, its true
But first there's something hes gotta do
He'll dance again!
He's been waiting all these years
To dance again
Now at once a chance appears
Everybody make way for a pas de bourre
It's time to dance
It's time to dance
It's time to dance again!
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