Předposlední díl prvního muzikálu s naprosto skvělou bojovnou písničkou.
Je Harry mrtvý? Nebo se mu to jen zdá? Nebo má halucinace? Každopádně má velmi zásadní promluvu s Brumbálem, který beze sporu mrtvý je. Či... ani to není pravda? Každopádně jak skončí LOST neví ani on.
Voldemort si ale stále myslí, že vyhrál. A žádá, aby se mu všichni vzdali, když je jejich hrdina mrtvý. To ale přece Ron s Hermionou a jejich zbytkem armády nemůžou udělat. Vždyť ani Harry by to neudělal!
(U čeho ale chcípám je: "Lidi, já jsem to přežil!")
Báječná bojovná otitulkovaná verze: http://www.videacesky.cz/serialy-online-zdarma/a-very-potter-musical-2x08-brumbalova-armada
A chcete si zazpívat nebo zabojovat?
Well, it looks like we're just gonna have to fight
And we are gonna fight SO HARD... that we're gonna win.
He thinks that we're finished
He thinks that we're done
He thinks that it's over
His battle is won, HA!
He thinks that we're finished
But we aren't through
Stop and think my friends,
What would Harry do for you?
Harry never gave up the fight
Harry stood up for what is right
Well, now it's our turn
Our turn
Make a joyful sound
Voldemort is going down!
We must unite so we can fight
Turn the battle around
Time's running out
It's time to shout
Voldemort is going down
Can't you feel the fire burning?
Now it's time to be a man
A great, big, muscly
Super big, super hot man
Ah, aaaaaaaaaah!
We won't be pushed around anymore
We'll be a force you can not ignore
We'll be an army for Dumbledore
For Dumbledore!
We must unite so we can fight
Turn the battle around
Time's running out
It's time to shout
Voldemort is going down
We must unite so we can fight
Turn the battle around
Time's running out
It's time to shout
Voldemort is
We must unite
So we can fight
Voldemort is going down!
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